agedi onlus






A  Parents’ association for disabled children and adults.


Art. 1

The A.GE.DI. is a parents’ Association in favour of disabled children and adults whose central site is located at Reggio Calabria.


Art. 2

The Association, which is not for ludicrous purposes, has the following aims:

a)     it operates functions to support disabled children and adults;

b)     it promotes sauce – cultural initiatives that involve the public opinion regarding alienation problems;

c)     it supports the families psychologically and practically from the most critical period of the acceptance process of the disabled child;

d)     it spreads right scientific information  between the families  and the public opinion by suitable  neans, involving sensibility campaigns, that emphasise the consequences derived from the disabled child’s, social, familiar and moral interaction;

e)     it also co-operates (whenever it is needed) trough voluntary services with all public and private institutions, both  local and national, that aim at protecting disabled people;

f)       it supports and promotes by every single available mean the creation of structures and initiatives to prevent the handicap, to rehabilitate and to include disabled children in scholastic and working fields.


Art. 3

The Association intends to include disabled people in society by means of appropriate actions to stimulate every initiative and to control that the rehabilitation has taken place.


Art. 4

The Association intends to pursue these objectives:

a)     it co-operates with public and private institutions trough voluntary services and associations to remove the causes that originate the handicap and the alienation culture;

b)     it promotes the creation of  a Technical Advisory Committee formed by a specialised team, of  white  some of its operators are doctors;

c)     it favours and manages directly or by means of its own co-operative society some activities such as sanitary prevention, training and sauce sanitary education, psychomotor rehabilitation, home and school aid, as wheal as it creates protected workshops whose products can be sold;

d)     it fulfils every financial operations white is relevant to the Association’s aims;

e)     it engages conscentions objectors in civil service;

f)       it organises study, work and vacation camps;

g)     it organises cultural activities.


Art. 5

The Association’s members can be families having disabled children and adults and whoever accept fully this statute and is willing to take part actively  in fulfilling the association’s aims, and to pay an annual fee white will be fixed by the Assembly according to the Steering Committee proposal.


Art. 6

Members’ admission is assigned by the Steering Committee by majority.


Art. 7

The members are divided as fallow:

a)     Ordinary: they are relatives within the fourth degree of relationship and relations within the second degree, not more than seven for every disabled person; disabled people in general, as well as Disabled who ask to become a member, once they are eighteen;

b)     Friends: they are physical or juridical people that take part and collaborate in the Associations’ life and activities;

c)     Honour Members: they are those who have  performed great services in favour of the Association or those who distinguish themselves due to special  merits  in  the social, cultural and scientific fields.


Art. 8

The elective task is reserved to Ordinary Members.


Art. 9

The Association provides for development of its own initiatives by financial means coming from Members’ fees, from public and private contributions, to donations, subventions, bequests and conventions.


Art. 10

The Associations’ organs are the Assembly, the Steering Committee, the Technical Advisory  Committee, Audit (auditor of accounts) College and the Arbiters College.


Art. 11

Associations’ Committees are expected to be set up in every public or private medical sites operating to rehabilitate Disabled  people, which are formed by Ordinary Members who benefit from their services.


Art. 12

Associations Departments can be set up in every place where at least twenty Ordinary Members live and make a request for it.

The licence must be released from the central Steering Committee.


Art. 13

The Assembly consists of the  Ordinary Members who  have sent in an application two months before the date of the meeting notice and who have affected all payments of the member fee.

Friends and Honour Members can attend  and take part in the Assembly, without the right to vote.


Art. 14

The Assembly needs on a regular basis twice a year  to examine and approve of, entually, the activities program, the estimate and appropriation accounts and to verify the work done.

The Assembly takes in the election of the Steering Committee, of the Audit and the Arbiters Colleges.

The Assembly resolves by a majority of the first convocation members and by a majority of those present at the second convocation.

Every Ordinary Member cans not to take part in the Assembly with more then six delegations.


Art. 15

The Steering Committee  is formed by nine members, from wham one is by right Sanitary Co-ordinator of the Technical Advisory Committee and the rest – eight of then – are elected by the Assembly among the Ordinary Members.

The Members so integrated have full right to vote. In the Steering Committee people in charge of voluntary services or subsidiaries dependent on the Association can take part  but without the right to vote.

Whenever a member of the Steering Committee is absent for three consecutive times without a justified reason, he loses the office.


Art. 16

The Steering Committee remains  in office for three  years and can be relented. It nominates within its own  framework the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary and the Administrator.


Art. 17

In case of resignations or of another reason one Steering Committee member goes out of office before the set fixed term, the composition of the same will be integrated on the basis of above modalities in the previous articles but the term of the whole committee remains unchanged.


Art. 18

The Steering Committee is invested with all the Ordinary powers excepting for what is reserved to the Assembly. The Steering one decides about the members ‘ admission, it provides  for necessary Associaltonacts and arrange the balance.


Art 19

The Steering Committee has the necessary power  to adapt the measures concerning the life and the administration of the Association and its regular functioning. It has also the power to control everything that is in the daily work.

The Steering Committee studies and takes steps regarding every single activity; it formulates the internal regulations; it appoints, suspends and dismisses the staff. It establishes the economic treatment complied with laws.


Art. 20

The President and the Secretary have the minute-book. The President convokes and presides the Steering Committee. When it is necessary there is an extraordinary convocation on request of the President or, at least, of four members of the same Committee.


Art. 21

The decisions of the Steering Committee are passed with the participation of seven members, at least, of the Steering Committee and by majority of those present.


Art. 22

The President is elected by the Sterring Committee with the presence of seven members, at least, and the with the majority of the persons present.

The term of office is of three years and then he can re-elected.

The President represents the Association legally and he decides the right measures when it is absolute necessary. Then he informs the Steering Committee during the first following meeting.


Art. 23

When  the President is not present can be substituted by Vice-President.

The President can delegate part of his power to the Vice-President on a regular basis.


Art. 24

The administrator is responsible for the financial and administrative  activity of the Association. He Keeps the accounts-books and menages the receipts in  general as  well as payments and all necessary expenses.


Art. 25

The  Secretary provides to compile the minutes of the Steering Committee and of the Assembly and also all acts  of the  Secretary’s office.


Art. 26

The Association, to realise its aims, makes use a Technical Advisory Committee formed by an equips of specialists that the Steering Committee elects.


Art. 27

The Assembly elects for three years a Committee of three Auditors that exercise the account vigilance of the Association.


Art. 28

The financial operation begins on 1° January and finishes on31th December  every year. By 30th to April the Steering Committee presents to the Assembly the balance – sheet of the previous year and also the report of the Auditor, for the Assembly to examine and approve of. By 15th December every year the Steering Committee presents the following year’s minute according to the Auditor’s Report.


Art. 29

Every three years the Assembly elects three members that form the College of Arbitrators.

The College decide about controversies among the committees of the Association and also among the members themselves. It communicates to them all the decisions.

The new College, in its first meeting, elects its President. The President of the College decides meetings and takes care of the preservation of minutes.


Art. 30

All the offices are practised free of charge. Only estimated cast must be paid.


Art. 31

The Steering Committee, with the approval of the Association, proposes internal rules that establish the rules of execution of this Statute and of the organisation of the Technical Advisory Committee.


Art. 32

Resigning for decision of Steering Committee, aren’t members no more, and also defaulting and unworthy members.


Art. 33

In case of death and in every other case, the member is not entitled to the Association’s patrimony.

Even if the member has given personal real assets.


Art. 34

In case of extinction of the Association, the patrimony must be transferred to public or private institutions that act for aims similar to those of A.GE.DI. (Association parents’ for disabled children and adults), according to the aolowing  Art. (36).


Art. 35

TO chance this Statue is necessary the presence of two thirds of the Ordinary Members and the favourable vote of the majority of present members.

To decide the dissolution of the Association and the transfer of the  patrimony, it is necessary the vote of the two thirds of the Ordinary Members.


Art. 36

Concerning wat is not present in this Statute there is the reference point in the rules of Civil Code.




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